Summer Blooms and Activities
Taking a moment to enjoy the small things. . .
As summer slowly comes to a close and the beautiful wildflowers greet us along the highways and byways throughout the country. It brings to mind Hymn 3 from the Christian Science Hymnal.
“A grateful heart a garden is, where there is always room for every lovely Godlike grace to come to perfect bloom.”
As you go about your day-to-day tasks and activities take the time to be present in the moment. Just like Christian Science nurses, take a moment to express gratitude to God for the qualities of grace that surround you. Every task you do can take on a spirit of holiness as we quietly acknowledge the qualities expressed in that task.
Washing dishes, tidying a closet, making a bed, helping with a shower, bandaging, each task is a holy moment as we cherish the individual and ourselves as sincere and humble servants of a loving, healing, spiritual presence. Enjoy and cherish the day, full of graceful blooms of gratitude, humility, sincerity, and joy!
Elizabeth Harned, Executive Director
Summer Fruitage
July 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022

“Thou shalt reap the fruits of joy” CS Hymnal 97
Thank you all for your continued support of Christian Science nursing and Clearview Home as a sanctuary for healing.
Summer Activities at Clearview Home
Denise our Food Manager is also an artist in residence!
Denise and Patients have been joyfully painting for the last several months. Here is some of their work. Patients have expressed gratitude for the opportunity to see Soul expressed in creative ways.
Join Our Manna Givers!
We are so grateful for all our monthly givers!
Our Manna Givers ensure that we are able to continue to keep Christian Science nursing staff and rooms ready.
Just $1.00 a day can add up to big results.
Our Manna Givers played a big part in reaching the recent challenge!