Great things are happening at Clearview

Clearview Home Activities and Events

Effulgence Film Festival
March 30, 2025
2-4 pm

Location: First Church of Christ, Scientist (Brookfield)
15605 W Burleigh Pl
Brookfield, WI 53005-2806


The Paul Stark Seeley Story

His story, as depicted in the film, shows how Mr. Seeley’s lectures fed a spiritually hungry world with the truths of Christian Science, as revealed to, and taught by Mary Baker Eddy.


The Elizabeth Earl Jones Story

This documentary brings to life the trials and victories this dedicated worker experienced in the beginning days of the cause of Christian Science in America.

The Spiritual Dimension of Care
Christian Science Nursing One Day Seminar

A workshop on Christian Science nursing.
For whom? For me?

Have you ever thought about the Church Manual bylaw for the Christian Science Nurse? Does it have any relevance for you?

We start the seminar by asking ourselves these important questions.

As we look more closely at the Church Manual, it becomes clear that this provision is meant for each individual member of The Mother Church, since it is found at the end of Article VIII, under the title “Guidance of Members”. Therefore, we extend the invitation to this seminar to each member of The Mother Church and anyone else interested in this subject.

The seminar takes a day. It covers the foundation on which Christian Science nursing is based, the Church Manual bylaw, qualities important to nursing listed in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and its ethical foundation in the Bible.

In the process, we learn a lot about Mary Baker Eddy’s vision of this healing activity and, together we discover a spiritual dimension of care and how it applies to our lives. This is done in an open and relaxed atmosphere, where we exchange ideas and share experiences.

Many attendees at our July workshop expressed gratitude for the relaxed atmosphere, learning a spiritual view of care through loved Bible stories, and an eye opening discussion about Mary Baker Eddy’s poem Christ and Christmas.


Save the date for Annual Gathering

Clearview Home Annual Gathering

Sunday, June 29, 2025
2-4 pm

Location: 426 Wells Street, Delafield WI 53018
(same location as last year)

Join us for Reports and
“I Will Listen For Thy Voice”
by Speaker Janet Horton


Building Together
$50,000 Matching Grant Opportunity
January – April 2025

Drawing of the new addition to the main building. The addition will include 4 Christian Science Nursing Care rooms, a new great room, more storage, CSN prep kitchen, new CSN station, and Out Patient emergency area. The main building will have a couple of areas remodeled to include a salon and resident laundry.

The addition will allow for the Christian Science nursing patients to have a private area for healing, and the original six patient rooms will be available for Sheltered Care or Residential stays.

“I’m so grateful to be at Clearview –
I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else” from a recent Patient.

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