Memorial Day
Like so many, we take this time to honor those who have served their country through military service. A family member, when referring to the call to serve his country, often spoke of the Bible verse, “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” (Isa. 6:8) What a blessing is given to all of us from the commitment and sacrifice of all those who serve our country.
Freedom for individual worship, freedom of speech, freedom to live in peace and harmony. The best way to honor their sacrifice is to continue to cherish the freedoms they fought to preserve.
Mary Baker Eddy speaks of man’s right of freedom from sin, sickness and death. Each day the work of Christian Science nurses affirms man’s freedom from the chains of sin, the battle of disease, and the finality of death. They enter each room rejoicing in the abundance of health and life that God provides for each of His children. “Man is tributary to God, Spirit, and to nothing else. God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss” (SH 481:3-4)
Deep gratitude to all those who have faithfully served their country.
Elizabeth Harned, Executive Director
My Prayer
Mary H. Knox
Dear Father, what Thou hast for me to do
To-day, for Thee,
I pray Thee show me.
How may I help my brother man along the rugged way,
And thereby serve Thee?
I know that Thou wilt send Thy angel messengers
To tell me;
And I shall hear.
Whate’er they bring to me from Thee, I lovingly will give,
And have no fear.
And so attune my ears, dear Lord, to hear
Thy message clear,
And to reply
As did the little lad of long ago, when God did call,
Lord, here am I!
From Christian Science Sentinel 11/15/1930
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