Back to school, lifelong learning, and Christian Science nursing

Summer Fruitage
July 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022

“. . . bring forth the fruits of Love,”
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p. 35:23

Thank you all for your continued support of Christian Science nursing and Clearview Home as a sanctuary for healing.

Back to school, lifelong learning, and Christian Science nursing

September brought the close of summer and images of children returning to school. In the weeks leading up to the start of school families have been busy taking last minute vacation trips, purchasing supplies, and new school clothes. If your Facebook feed was as active as mine, we got to see lots of back to school pictures of fresh-faced children with new backpacks getting ready to head off for their first day of school. Sometimes, which is the case with our family, the family pet has to get in the act and be part of the picture.

What does going back to school have to do with Christian Science nursing? It’s more about the culture of lifelong learning that so permeates the study of Christian Science – the lifelong lessons we glean from the study of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which really started with Christ Jesus calling some of his followers, disciples, or students.

When I was a student Christian Science nurse, I was in awe of how much I was learning about how to apply and demonstrate the truths of Christian Science in my care of others, and of what a blessing it was for me personally. Several years after I became a Journal-listed Christian Science nurse I ran across the following citation (again) in The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany on page 229.

“It is true that loyal Christian Scientists, called to the home of the Discover and Founder of Christian Science, can acquire in one year the Science that otherwise might cost them a half century.”

I have always felt that my time as a Christian Science nurse and working in a Christian Science nursing environment, whether it was a visiting service, a facility, or private duty, gave ample opportunity for spiritual growth. Many of Mrs. Eddy’s household share similar experiences in their stories. The motive of the worker was very important, as it also is in Christian Science nursing.

In that same passage church members were cautioned that “. . .this should not be the incentive for going thither. Better far that Christian Scientists go to help their helper, and thus lose all selfishness, as she has lost it, and thereby help themselves and the whole world, . . . ”

The selfless motive for caring for others is the foundation for accelerated spiritual growth. If you would like to see that kind of spiritual growth in your life and love to care for others consider becoming a Christian Science nurse. We can help you to ‘go back to school’ to get this training.

Happy learning,
Elizabeth Harned
Executive Director

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