Wonderful Move at Clearview Home
Volunteers Appreciated!
Big thanks to the volunteers who helped us sort our books and move to the new building!
Well more than 60 hours were given over the last month by numerous volunteers, who lent their strength and talents to help us move.
The largest part is done, but we still welcome volunteers to help us:
- read to patients
- garden
- sort tools
- organize the library and other book collections
- offer an activity
Times are available to suit your convenience. And if you plan right, you will be invited to lunch!

You do make a difference! Clearview Home and the Christian Science nursing services it provides are here because of your loving support and engagement. That support helps us provide a healing atmosphere and witness the progress and healing of our patients and residents. That was proved in the harmonious move to the new building on Monday, August 12th. Everyone was so pleased! Enjoy the photos below of the new accommodations.
Did you get our letter with a gift of the talk from our Grand Opening?
This inspiring talk, “A Treasure in Our Midst,” was presented by Sharon Hansen, C.S. and is now available on our website. Click here to go to our Grand Opening page.
Matching Campaign Goal
$25,000 by October 15th
More than halfway to go to our goal!
It’s easy to give to our Matching Campaign on our website. Unite with fellow contributors to help supply $50,000 towards our final building expenses.
Extra funds are needed to complete the restoration of our property by removing the old building, providing lovely vistas from the patients’ windows, and preparing us for future building phases.
Or mail your check to
Clearview Home, 935 Main St., Delafield, WI 53018
Yes, We Do!
Our Christian Science nursing staff is ready to provide loving and skilled assistance for all levels of Christian Science nursing care and related services:
- Inpatient
- Outpatient
- Visiting
- Comforting support over the phone
- Informative workshops & conversations near you
- Rest and Study (limited accommodations at this time)
- Offer benevolent resources, including transportation assistance
Staff Cherished!
Our Christian Science nursing staff has grown and developed in the last two years and we have plans to expand even more in the special setting our new building provides.
Immediate openings for Journal -listed Christian Science nurses include Assistant Director of Christian Science Nursing and a CS nurse with a flair for night duty.
We offer moving assistance, discounted staff housing, and an excellent school district in the Lake Country of Wisconsin. Other opportunities available; all experience levels may apply.