“I had a wonderful healing!”
What a benefit to healing Clearview is – being away from distractions at home and in the quiet, loving care of the Christian Science nurses and staff . . . it really helps to reset, focus, and get prayer back on track. When I decided to go to Clearview, I was barely walking – even using a walker. The Clearview van picked me up and I had a week of peace and quiet to get closer to God…. The incredible Christian Science nurses and staff contributed to a calm and healing atmosphere. That week felt like a rebirth. I walked out of Clearview on my own – without a walker or cane.
I’m so excited about our new facility! You’ve all done a wonderful job in getting this vision realized. It’s comfortable, quiet, and modern.
~~ a grateful patient

Our new Visiting Christian Science Nurse vehicle with all-wheel drive and cheerful staff. Just a phone call away!
Announcement from our Executive Director
New year, continued progress
When I think of the new year I think of a sense of renewal, recommitment to healing, and the sunlight of Truth penetrating materialistic thinking. 2019 brought many changes to Clearview Home, all of them evidence of progress and a renewed commitment to Christian Science healing. We spent several months thinking about our purpose, we witnessed our prayer in stone emerging from the landscape, and we moved into our new building.
We have also given new thought to our spiritual foundation and how that can be represented in more tangible ways. During the past year, a couple of events unfolded in support of our desire to see our commitment to spiritual healing be more public.
The Wisconsin Department of Health, through several conversations, became more aware that Clearview Home’s mission is a ministry not a medical model. As they became more familiar with our mission and purpose, they decided that Clearview Home is exempt from state licensing.
The second change Clearview Home made toward supporting spiritual healing is the decision to withdraw from the federal Medicare program effective January 2020. This change will not affect your admission or the admission of your family members. Each new person admitted has the opportunity to apply to the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing for financial assistance. This change enables us to spend more time in prayerful support of Christian Science nursing activities and healing for our patients.
I am reminded of a hymn in the Christian Science Hymnal (100:3)
He gives His angels charge o’er thee,
No evil therefore shalt thou see.
Dwelling within His secret place,
Thou shalt behold his power and grace;
Thy refuge shall be God most high,
See His salvation ever nigh.
Elizabeth Harned
Coming your way!
Clearview Home was overjoyed to greet a large audience last June for our Grand Opening. Now it’s our turn to come to you and share the news and inspiration that Christian Science nursing offers. If your church (in Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, or Wisconsin), would like to host a gathering for your area in late Spring, please contact Lynn Meyerson, Director of Development and Communications, dirofdevelop@clearviewhome.org.
Letting the opportunity be known
Yes, Clearview Home happily accepts contributions to our General Fund all year long. Up to three quarters of a million is needed each year to sustain and maintain our services. Some individuals and churches choose to give monthly or quarterly, assuring that our doors are open and our staff ready to serve those choosing to rely on Christian Science for healing. Won’t you take this opportunity to show your support today?
Thank you!